Saturday, November 15, 2008

Markovnikov's Rule

Markovnikov. What a cool name.

Yes, this is organic chemistry. I have my third and last exam before the final in about a week. I am kind of really scared, but hopefully, I can pull through. We are covering so many topics this time around: a boatload of mechanisms (SN1 and SN2) along with the stereochemistry of these reactions and NMR. What a fun combination... Fortunately, I do not have too much other stuff to deal with at this moment. My other classes have been pretty sparse in terms of assigned work, but that will probably change soon. I have a music theory exam coming up as well with fun sight singing, score notation, chords, etc. Joy.

I registered for my spring semester classes just recently and I am lucky to have gotten into all of the classes that I wanted to. I decided to take a five course overload so I can learn more about things that I would otherwise never get to learn (nerdy, I know). My classes are: spanish, biology, orgo, music theory, and sociology. It should be a fun, challenging combination of things. Along with orchestra and chamber music, it'll be a time crunch, but I feel like I work better, or at least more efficiently, when I have more things to do.


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